Countering Capenhurst – October 2020

Right Now

This is very much an interim issue of Countering Capenhurst.

Aside from having to deal with the effects of Lockdown, we are working upon a number of other related issues, while putting together the groundwork for some further campaigning resources.

In Between all the bad news

During September it was announced that HITACHI is withdrawing from building WYLFA B

We congratulate PAWB (People Against Wylfa B) for all their work in pushing for this outcome.


‘ A decision on planning consent for the Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant project on Anglesey that was due to be made yesterday has been delayed until 31 December, as requested by Horizon Nuclear Power, the UK project developer owned by Japan’s Hitachi.’


DRS continue to drag nukiller waste flasks to Sellafield [ Windscale ].

The latest ones included –

To and from Torness on July 14th and August 5th

Then in Early September this was the headline on the Devonlive website

Rare Class 66 train carrying nuclear flasks heads into Plymouth.

‘This was a ‘ very rarely seen DRS Nuclear Flask Train worked down from Crewe Coal Sidings to Devonport Royal Dockyard for the decommissioning of a few submarines down at the Naval base/dockyard down at Devonport.’

DRS Publication.

There is a new glossy publication about DRS

Direct Rail Services: 25 Years of Rail Haulage

This 132 page publication is aimed at train spotters, with lots of colour photographs in it.

Most importantly it lists all the information about the various train engines it uses to haul both goods wagons and nukiller waste flasks.

While it features a number of articles about operations of the nukiller waste trains.

63 Years Later

On October 10th 1957 the Windscale Fire occurred.

To understand just what happened you need to read about the Windscale Piles.

It was one of the first, but by no means the last nukiller reactor disaster.

Future Events

At Present it is extremely difficult to plan an future events due to the current pandemic.

We do however continue to collecting and distributing information about all aspects of the nukiller power industry.

Once it is possible to do so then we will be holding a series of demonstrations outside of various Nukiller plants.

It is also our intention to hold a small face to face gathering to discuss how we continue campaigning once it is possible to do so.

In the meanwhile we will continue to post various updates upon our Facebook page.

Countering Capenhurst – April 2020

What Next At Capenhurst?

What Next with the Nukiller Power Industry ?

There are questions which we are currently looking at in the light of the current fall in energy demands and fuel prices.

This in turn will effect the likelihood of nukiller new build taking place.

There is a lot to be considered here, especially when read in connection to such as the following news story:-

‘ EDF withdraws financial guidance for 2020 and 2021 as coronavirus hits power demand.’

Thanks to Lush

As with a number of activists campaigning groups we have received financial support from the Lush Fund, for which we are all extremely grateful.

In February an critical article entitled ‘Just to sell soap’ appeared in Nuclear Engineering International which listed the following as being in support of these funds.

‘ BeyondNuclear, Highlands Against Nuclear Transport, Radiation-Free Lakeland and the Close Capenhurst Campaign, as well as several anti-fracking campaigns and one against coal.’

The logical conclusion to this might be that some people in the the nukiller power industry see these donations us by LUSH as a great threat to their activities.

Yet in contrast we should point out the vast amount of state money which subsidises they receive.

What people in the nukiller power industry need to remember is that with or without this funding we will continue campaigning for just as long as it takes to close down all their plants.

URENCO – Business As Normal

The URENCO COVID-19 statement which was issued on March 20th states: –

‘ Urenco has ongoing detailed preparations in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees, communities and key stakeholders, and our ability to keep our plants operating.’

Yet contains not a word about the dangers posed to us by the movement of radioactive hex in and our of the plant.

Woops! Nobody Noticed that!

In march this was the headline in The Ferret: –

Radioactive waste wrongly sent to Hunterston nuclear plant

Investigations have been launched into how radioactive waste ended up in a transport container at Hunterston nuclear power station in breach of environmental rules.

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) has disclosed that unauthorised radioactive “debris” was found in a supposedly empty fuel flask returned to the North Ayrshire plant from the Sellafield nuclear complex in Cumbria.’

No Trains Today.

There is currently a replacement bus service on the West Coast Cumbria railway line between Workington & Whitehaven. This is because of a landslide at Parton, which is just north of Whitehaven.

Why is this important to note you might just ask, but the point to keep in mind is that the line is used by DRS nukiller waste trains going from Carlisle to Sellafield.

This is the route used to carry highly radioactive spent fuel rods from the Hunterston, Torness, and Hartlepool nukiller power plants.

Future Events.

With DRS in to a Post Apocalyptic world.

As of now, April 2020, there is no indication that the DRS Open Day will take place this year.

Sowe will not be back again leafleting the DRS Depot this year July,

but will continue to leaflet the various stations nukiller waste goes through just as soon as lockdown is over.

Remembering the Windscale Fire

We do hope to be hold an event to mark the anniversary of the 63nd Anniversary Of The Windscale Fire on October 10th

Just what that event will be will depend what the transport situation is by then.

The Last Used Highly Radioactive Fuel Rods Sent From Wylfra To Sellafield.

Close Capenhurst Campaign Statement

Concerning the last radioactive fuel rods transported by rail from Wylfra.

While we welcome the end of highly radioactive used fuel rods being transported from Wylfra via Chester and Crewe to Sellafield.

We are still concerned about all the other nukiller fuel rods which are transported by DRS [Direct Rail Services ] to Sellafield via nearby Crewe.

We will continue to campaign upon this issue, together with the movement of Uranium Hexafluoride [ Hex ] to and from Capenhurst by road.

While continuing to support the demand of PAWB – People Against Wylfa-B that No New Atomic Power Plant be built on Anglesey .

Countering Capenhurst – Summer 2019

Yet Again – DRS

This year we published a new leaflet which was distributed at the DRS [ Direct Rail Services ] open day at Carlisle. Unlike the previous one we used, this new one can be distributed on other occasions.

You can see a copy of the text of the leaflet we used here: –

As in previous years this protest was organised in conjunction with Radiation Free Lakelands.

Follow on.

On June 1st a DRS nukiller waste flask passed through Warrington Bank Quay station on the way to Sellafield. We will be leafleting outside the station on Thursday August 15th as part of our work to inform people about these dangerous loads.

We will continue to organise more such leafleting sessions at other stations where these flasks go through, as a part of our public awareness work. These will be held outside stations in the nukiller north west. Please let us know if you want to join us on them.

If your in London then you can also join the ones which are organised by the Nuclear Waste Trains Action Group c/o CND Mordechai Vanunu House, 162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ

Long term campaigning – long term costs.

Most of the campaigning work we are engaged upon can not be achieved in just a matter of a few years, as the very nature of nukiller power means it will take decades to clean up the radioactive mess.

Thus we always need to think out how to maintain this long term campaigning, and how to finance this work.

Thus unlike many many campaigning groups we have to look at our long term finances and expenditures.

For example – In July we renewed out webpage domain name for another five years.

Then there are the ongoing costs which come from printing and distributing our leaflets.

We don’t have any staff or office to pay for, but there are still travel costs which need to be covered.

It all adds up +£+£+£

Last year we received a very generous donation from the Lush Fund, but we can not forever rely upon such funders to bankroll our work.

At present we are working to produce a new edition of Wildlife and the Atom, which was published by Greenpeace [ London ] in 1983.

That and a couple of other new publication we have in mind to produce will eat in to our finances.

So we are now appealing for your help to finance our essential campaigning work.

If you would like to make a contribution, then email us and we will tell you how it might be done.

Online Resources

7 reasons why nuclear energy is not the answer to solve climate change

Anniversaries & Forthcoming Events

October 10thSpringfields

We will be back at the Springfields plant to mark 61 years since the Windscale Fire.

This will be an event which starts at 14.00.

March 4th 2020

50 years since the signing of the Almelo Treaty.

We will be organising an event to mark this date.

More details later on in the year.

Countering Capenhurst – Summer 2018

Statement by Dr Paul Dorfman

There is no question but there are very real concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding Capenhurst’s activities  the adequacy of nuclear safeguards at Capenhurst Environmental and public health risks associated with Capenhurst’s routine operations as well as incidents and accidents Capenhursts management of uranium hexafluoride.

Fukushima Contrasts

If anyone wants to know just what the ONR [ Office for Nuclear Regulation ] has to say about the ongoing disaster at Fukushima, then they should read the following: –

Fukushima and the UK nuclear industry

That report was penned in 2011, and they have added nothing to it since then.

In contrast Kick Nuclear has been producing the regular Fukushima Updates.

The latest of which is to be found here.

More on Uranium exports to Russia.

Radiation Free Lakeland published this very useful article on the sale of Uranium products to Russia.
The Beautiful Game?  


As we keep saying: –

These sales raise many very worrying concerns, while the details of these exports are surrounded in secrecy.

DRS Open Day – July 2018- A summary report

July 21st was the 5th time that we have gone to a DRS Open Day event.

This year, despite our not being able to get more activists to turn up on the day, we did never the less managed to hand out some 2,500 leaflets in just under four hours.

While inside the depot there was a nukiller waste train wagon on display.

You can view them upon just some of the youtube videos of the event here, here, & here.

What strikes us about this is that DRS are now aiming to normalise seeing these waste flasks.

Next year we will be at the DRS Open Day at Carlisle, where we will be organising a protest in the company of our fellow activists from Radiation Free Lakelands.

Anniversaries & Forthcoming Events

August 4th – St Bees, Cumbria.

Radiation Free Lakeland [ RFL ] has sent an urgent to Sellafield, asking them to monitor and retrieve radioactive particles from St bees beach ahead of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust ‘Beached Art’ day on Sunday August 4th.

Sellafield have treated this straightforward request under Freedom of Information rules which means that there will not be a reply for at least a month, and even then they might have to pay for the request to be answered.

The request has been sparked by a citizen science project carried out by Radiation Free Lakeland volunteers in collaboration with nuclear science undergraduates at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the US.

In the absence of any warnings from the authorities, RFL will once again be at the beach at St Bees to leaflet and warn people about the very real possibility of their children (or pregnant mothers) ingesting radioactive cesium, americium and plutonium.

August 6th – Hiroshima Day.

August 9th – Nagasaki Day.

October 10th – Springfields

We will be back at the Springfields plant to mark 61 years since the Windscale Fire.

July 2019

The next DRS Open Day will take place at their depot at Carlisle.

We will be back to leaflet the event in the company of our fellow activists from Radiation Free Lakeland.

Thomas the Stank Engine

Thomas the Stank Engine got his name because he hauls DRS [Direct Rail Services] train wagons, which contain very stinky, very dirty, and very nasty nukiller waste.

Come Join us as we tell the tale of Thomas and his mates!

Distribute this information outside any of the railway stations which Thomas passes through.


DRS Nukiller Waste Flasks Leafleting on July 21st

The current { July } Issue of the Railway Magazine lists the following DRS nukiller waste train sightings.

On May 9th a waste flask was taken through Berwick-upon-Tweed.

While on May 22nd a flask train was seen going from Crewe to Sellafield.

So that’s another two reasons to join us on July 21st between 10.30. and 15.30. while we leaflet outside of the DRS [ Direct Rail Service ] open day event at their Gresty Bridge depot in Crewe.

Forthcoming Events – Capenhurst & Crewe

There are two important protest events take place during June & July.

June 24th  –  Capenhurst

We will be going back to Capenhurst to read out the 1978 URENCO Declaration, together with an updated version, which will reflect the damage which currently being done by URENCO.

There will be some activists who were at the 1978 demonstration to read out these declaration.

The reading will start at 13.00.

Travel directions – Overground from Chester or Liverpool.

July 21st –  Crewe

Once again we will  be back to the DRS [ Direct Rail Service ] open day at their Gresty Bridge depot in Crewe.

DRS are the railway company which transport highly radioactice nukiller waste to Sellafield.

This will be our 5th demonstration and leafleting session at a DRS open day event.

This is what is stated about the event on the DRS website: –

‘Bring the family along for a fun day out as we invite you to have a look behind the scenes’.

We will be telling a very different story.

The leafleting session will last from 10.30 to 15.30.

The Depot is a 10 minute walk from Crewe station.

Please email us to know if you can attend either of these events.