Countering capenhurst – June 2024


The Febrary 21st to March 5 issue of the Rail magazine has an article about some of the Class 68 train engines which are used by DRS. It includes a photo of a waste flask in transite to Heysham.

Flask Movements

On Febrary 28th a single flask was taken from Crewe to Sellafield Windscale. While on March 3rd three flasks were transported from the plant via Crewe,


Furness Line track was damaged two days before derailment

This derailment was on a part of the route which is used by DRS to move Nukiller waste flasks.—tim-farron/

DRS – From Winfrith to Drigg

In January DRS completed transporting some 1068 drums of low level nukiller waste from the former nukiller reactor at Winfrith in Dorset to Drigg.

This process started during march of 2022.

The open question is just how much more radioactive waste might land up at Drigg ?

DRS Open Day

The next DRS Open Day will be held on saturday July 6th at their Carlisle Kingsmore Depot.

We will be holding another lafleting event outside the event from 10.30 to 15.30.

News and resources updates

British nuclear site Sellafield to be prosecuted for cybersecurity failures.

The IAEA’s nuclear fairy tales are leading nations — and all of us — into climate catastrophe.

Nuclear supplier near Ellesmere Port given improvement order

Congress Approves Ban on Imports of Enriched Uranium From Russia

Capenhurst Strike

Around 500 staff at the Urenco Nuclear site in Capenhurst voted for industrial action after pay talks broke down

Nuclear workers in Cheshire vote to strike


Urenco receives permit for new waste store at Almelo

Coming events

This summer there will be a demonstration at Barrow where the various nukiller submarines are built.


Outside of the annual DRS open day event at Carlisle this coming July.

More information once the exact dates for these events have been announced.

Countering Capenhurst – Winter 2024


The condition of the Whitehaven train tunnel and harbour can only be described as a disaster in the making.

We have now learnt that the speed limit within the Whitehaven train tunnel has dropped from 20 to 10 miles an hour.

While there are still nukiller waste flasks and passenger trains going through it.

Here is some more background informayion on the current situation.

Whitehaven railway tunnel testing to find source of orange water

Fukushima Day

We were planning to mark Fukushima Day outside the Heysham Nukiller plant. That is another reactor which will be subject to rising tides in the next few years.

However, give the current situation we will be marking it at Whitehaven this year.

This will be a CCC and Radiation Free Lakelands event starting at Noon.

More details very soon.


Flask Movements

On November 14th there was another flask taken to Sellafield, while on the 15th one was taken from Sellafield to the Barrow Marine terminal.

Renaming the DRS Engines.

DRS, just like all of the railway companies, delights in giving names to its various train engines.
Such as Promethius, Titan, Astute [ Which is also the name of a class of nukiller submarines which are being built at Barrow ] , Achilles, etc.
In fact they make a feature of having a naming event at each of their open day events.
Yet if they were to be much more honest about what they do then the engines would be renamed again.
Here are some of the names which they might more reasonably become: –
Calder Hall, Windscale, Crockfords Folly, Dante, or Drigg.
You might like to make a few suggestions of your own.

News and resources updates

Cyber-hackers target UK nuclear waste company RWM

Uranium Prices

One of the most important long term reasons why we need to stop nukiller power is just what it will cost us all.

What has been of note for a while is just how the price of uranium has been increasing. Though the clean up cost of mining it is never mentioned by those who promote it.

Uranium surge after Kazakh mine cuts.

‘ In the midst of geopolitical tensions and energy security concerns, the head of Urenco, the largest western supplier of enriched uranium for nuclear plants in the US, asserts that his company stands ready to replace Russian supplies if Washington enacts a ban on imports from Russia. ‘

Flood Danger Warning

Cumbria emergency services on major incident alert as Storm Isha hits.
Operations at the Sellafield nuclear site were suspended as a precautionary measure amid the weather warnings.’

We should expect many more such warnings in the years to come.

Book Reference

Plokhy, Serhii

Atoms and Ashes: From Bikini Atoll to Fukushima

Penguin Book – Paperback – 31 Aug. 2023

ISBN 978-0141997179

This very readable book covers some of worst nukiller disasters which have taken place so far. That includes the windscale fire.

It is an excellent book for all activists to use.

Coming events

This summer there will be a demonstration at Barrow where the various nukiller submarines are built.


Outside of the annual DRS open day event at Carlisle this coming July.

More information once the exact dates for these events have been announced.

Countering Capenhurst – May 2023

This issue of Countering Capenhurst follows on from the very first meeting we have ever had with the senior managers of DRS, which is in a part of Nuclear Transport Solutions, and in turn the Nukiller Decommissioning Authority.

Meeting the DRS Management

A historic moment”: first meeting for rail campaigners with nuclear industry

‘ After many years of waiting, Martyn Lowe from the Close Capenhurst campaign group was pleased to finally be able to put his questions directly to senior nuclear rail managers at this first face-to-face meeting held at the Gresty Bridge Rail Depot, on the outskirts of Crewe.’

After the meeting DRS offered to pay our travel expenses which we refused to take. This is so we can both be, and be seen to be, completley independent of them. Thus we will continue to maintain our independent critical stance.

We will now be going through the answers which we received to our various questions, and consider just how we will follow up on our campaign.

Flask Movements

Youtube Video clips.

One aspect of our work is to view various videos of nukiller flask movements. Here are a few from which you can clearly see some of the issues which concern us about what happens at both Bridgewater and Dungeness.

Class 68 Nuclear Train returns to Dungeness 2/9/20

DRS Class 37’s In Bridgwater Yard | Shunting | Flask Train | Wednesday 29th February 2012

Nuclear Flask Train Bridgwater FD Class 68 & 88 Double Header

37259 + 37610 Bridgwater Flask | Arrival & Departure | Wed 22nd Feb 2017

Flask Safety

As many of you might know, DRS transport Castor Nukiller flasks between the Barrow docks and Windscale/Sellafield.

We know something about the various tests that have been made on the standard ones which are transported between Windscale / Sellafield the various Brexitland reactor sites.

What we don’t have is any information about the crash, heat resistance, and fall tests which the Castor flasks have been subjected to.

We need this information in order to do a comparison between the two flask types.

If any of you help us with any information on this, then we would be extremely grateful !

Short News Items

Urenco, Cameco sign supply deals for Bulgaria’s Kozloduy

Following On

German Celebrations and Continuing Our Campaigning

Now that we can celebrate the closure of the last 3 working Nukiller reactors in Germany, it should not be forgotten that the radiative waste they generated is still a major problem which will take many centuries to clean up.

While we still have the ongoing waste issue at Drigg and Windscale / Sellafield and the used fuel rods being transported by DRS to campaign about,

Plus the campaigns to Stop New Build.

So it is a good time to remind activists in Germany that our struggles continue, and we can still use some help from them all.

Open consultations

As a part of our campaigning we do need to work at every level of society, and undertake a wide range of activities. That includes participation on various consultations.

Here are links to two current open open consultations.

Managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning

Public consultation on our proposed decision to change Hinkley Point C’s water discharge activity permit

 Countering Capenhurst March 2023

This issue of Countering Capenhurst comes at a time when there are a number of ongoing changes which we need to focus upon, especially as new build seems to be back on the agenda, while a lot of crazy proposals are being made about just where to bury nukiller waste.

We are also very concerned about the current & future construction of Astute Class Nukiller submarines at Barrow, especially as it will produce yet more radioactive waste over the coming decades.


Flask Movements

On December 22nd two flasks were taken from Crewe to Sellafield, while on February 4th a single flask was taken from Sellafield via Barrow to Crewe.

Direct Rail Services open day to become biennial event

Short News Items

Energoatom Agrees With Britain’s Urenco To Supply Enriched Uranium From 2026

‘ “On December 19, Energoatom President Petro Kotin and Urenco Chief Executive Officer Boris Schucht met online. They discussed the issue of increasing the supply of enriched uranium to Westinghouse for the production of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants over 2024-2025 years. In addition, the heads of companies agreed on long-term cooperation in the supply of enriched uranium for Energoatom from 2026,”


EDF Energy ‘protests too much’ over impact of Windfall Tax on ageing reactors

‘ EDF has complained that the British Government’s windfall tax, introduced on 1 January, may mean an early end for operations at Hartlepool & Heysham 1, but the Nuclear Free Local Authorities believe that these could be ‘crocodile tears.’

Following On

In the Shadow of Chernobyl, a Pack of Dogs Unlike Any Other Roams the Wasteland.

Stop Hinkley – Newsletter January 2023

The latest issue of the Stop Hinkley newsletter contains a update upon the continuing problem of building of the Hinkley C plant, and the road movement of the nukiller flasks to Bridgewater for transporting to Windscale / Sellafield by DRS.

London Mining Network

‘ London Mining Network (LMN) is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups.

We work for

· human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples and workers, and

·  sustainable development (development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) in communities around the world affected by the activities of mining companies based in or funded from London.’

On special interest is the campaigning work which LMN focuses upon is Uranium mining.

Marking Fukushima Day

On Saturday March 11th we held an event outside of the Springfields plant.

While Kick Nuclear held a Vigil to mark the 12th anniversary of the Nukiller Disaster ar Fukushima.

The Springfields event was organised in conjunction with Radiation Free Lacklands, and attracted activists from .

The following statement was read outside of both the Japanese Embassy and Springfields plant.

Dear Supporters, Activists and Friends ,

This year is the 12th anniversary since the worst nuclear power accidents in the world happened at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on 11 th March 2011. 3 reactors are still melting down and radioactive wastewater is generated everyday. Over 1.3 million tonnes contaminated/treated water is going to be discharged into the Pacific from spring/summer this year.

On top of this unwelcome decision by Government/TEPCO, the Japanese government announced recently that they are changing the energy policy to encourage the restart of the idled nuclear power plants and build more new Small Module Reactors to secure the energy supply.  This is very sad news for us who had been campaigning to promote more renewable source of energy.

Another terrible policy change by the Japanese government is the sudden increase of military budget from 1% of GDP to 2% during 2023 to 2027. The government is overriding the article 9 of Constitution.

We must stand in front of the Japanese Embassy and show our strong opposition to these changes in its policies.

In Peace and Solidarity,

Shigeo Kobayashi

Ann Kobayashi

David Polden

Ann Garrett

on behalf of Japanese Against Nuclear – UK and Kicknuclear

Open Letter to DRS

Over the last few months we have been working with the NFLA to list our main concerns about the movement of highly radioactive materials via rail, and in particular used fuel rods to Sellafield/Windscale.

These concerns and numerous questions about the safety of the fuel flasks has just been communicated to DRS.

You can read it here –


Countering Capenhurst – June 2022

The Return of Thomas the Stank Engine

The next DRS [ Direct Rail Services ] open day will be on Saturday July 16th at Crewe.

As in previous years we will be outside the DRS depot to leaflet the event from 10.30. onwards.

Short News Items


Energoatom Refuses To Purchase Uranium Concentrate In Russia, Plans To Increase Its Supplies From UK URENCO

Small nuclear reactors produce ’35x more waste’ than big plants.

Stop Seismic Testing

We have joined with others to oppose the proposed Objection to Seismic Blasting in the Irish Sea to test the geology for a deep geological nuclear facility for heat generating nuclear wastes.seismic testing of the coast of Cumbria.

Objection to Seismic Blasting in the Irish Sea to test the geology for a deep geological nuclear facility for heat generating nuclear wastes.

Countering Capenhurst – Late Summer 2021

Countering Capenhurst – Late Summer 2021


Recent Radioactive Waste Flask Movements.

On July 7th two used fuel rods flasks were taken from Dungeness.

Of particular interest is that eight flasks pulled by Four engines were moved from Windscale/Sellafield to Crewe on July 28th. We do not know where they were destined to go after that, but we do know that every flask movement requires two engines.

Yet again we appeal for more individuals to monitor these flask movements in order that we can establish just how much radioactive material is being dumped in Cumbria.

References works.

Anyone who wishes to track the movements of nukiller waste trains, and the rail routes they go by, could do no better than to purchase a copy of the Railway Atlas.

Capenhurst Emergencies Update.

The ONR [ Office of Nuclear Regulation ] has just published the following document.

URENCO UK (UUK) Limited Emergency Arangements

Approval of the amended Urenco UK(UUK)Emergency Plan made under LC11.

While this document gives something of an overview of the management structure of the Capenhurst Emergency plan, it is very short on details as to just how it would operate in practice.

In other words: – It is full of Management Speak.

URENCO Order Books and Profits Drop.

The ill gotten gains, or financial profits, for Urenco fell for the first half of this year.

This reflects a turnover which has dropped of late, but the company is still has over 9Billion Euros worth of future orders.

You can read the full set of figures here

It might be also be noted that the URENCO order books are half of what they were during 2010.

Short News Updates

Any Old Iron ?

Urenco is planning to open a Metal Recycling Plant at Capenhurst during 2024.

CNC Base

The Civil Nuclear Constabulary are planning to build a new base at Windscale / Sellafield.

Spanish Uranium Processing plant Stopped

In July Spain’s Nukiller regulator withheld authorisation for a uranium ore processing plant, and thus killed off the efforts by the Australian-owned Berkeley Energía to open Europe’s largest uranium mine at Retortillo in the province of Salamanca.

Long Term Campaigning.

The way things are going it is possible to stop new build.

After that we need to really concentrate our efforts upon uranium mining, uranium enrichment, and uranium processing.

Yet dealing with the radioactive waste is a much more difficult campaign to focus upon.

The existing waste sites at Windscale/sellafield and Drigg are already highly polluted.

They will take centuries to clean up.

All the coastal nukiller sites, such as Dungeness, Heysham, Drigg, Windscale / sellafield, and Sizewell, are going to be effected by rising tides way before being fully decommissioned.

While DRS ( Direct Rail Services ) continues to carry highly radioactive used fuel rods through our towns and cities.

So what ever else might happen, we will need more activists to join in our existing long term campaigns.

Countering Capenhurst – Late Spring 2021


Waste Train Tracking.

Freightmaster is a guide to rail-borne freight services, which include the scheduled movements of DRS Nukiller Waste flask movements

As of march this year there are no longer printed version of Freightmaster, but they contine to be available online.

New Logo.

DRS has just launched a new Logo.

The old one had a resemblance to the NATO symbol.

To quote the DRS website: –

‘ The modernised identity for Direct Rail Services (DRS) has been created to give a slightly differentiated yet family resemblance with the Nuclear Transport Solutions [ NTS ] brand.’

Waste Train Photos.

Meanwhile the latest issue of Railways Illustrated [ May 2021 ] has a four page photo feature in it about DRS.

Direct Rail Services in Scotland.

This feature includes a couple of photo of Nukiller waste trains. One of them includes the following caption which is of note: –

‘ As a rule of thumb, all nuclear trains with two locos to cover any potential breakdown.’

Waste Flask Movements.

On February 18th there was Waste Fuel flasks being taken from Hunterston to Sellafield.


On March 1st there was a points failure outside of the Brigdewater goods yard. That is the one were Nukiller fuel flasks from Hinkley are transferred from Road vehicles to DRS rail wagons.

As as result of this points failure a DRS train hauling a solitary empty fuel flask was left to wait for four and a half hours.

If it had been the other way around, with the flasks full of radioactive used fuel rods, then it would have been somewhat worrying.

Half a century of Campaigning

Greenpeace [ London ] Marks 50 Years of Campaigning

It was on July 8th 1971 that Peace News published the original

Greenpeace You and Your Environment broadsheet.

This listed many ways in which an individual could take actions to save the environment.

Out of the broadsheet and people around Peace News that Greenpeace [ London ] came in to being. The group has in later years been referred to as London Greenpeace.

The early work of the group was centred around a campaign to stop French atmospheric Nukiller bomb tests in the Pacific.

Then in the mid 1970s the group started campaigning up the issue of nukiller power and uranium mining.

That included founding the founding of Stop Urenco.

This is how the group become of interest to the SDS spycops.

Currently the group and activists in the group are core participants within the Undercover policing inquiry.

Short News Updates


We noted with great interest the following headline in the Blackpool Gazette :-

Jobs face the axe at Lancashire’s key nuclear fuels plant
Around 120 jobs may be under threat at Lancashire’s nuclear fuels plant, as unions blame the government for dragging its feet on building new nuclear power stations.’


Wirral Council is the local authority for the area just north of Capenhurst.

In march the council announced that it would use 100% renewable electricity from April.

This is due to concerns about climate change.

Cumbia Coal Mine

At the end of march we signed the following statement as part of the campaign to stop a new coal mine being created next door to Sellafield.

No Need for Expensive Public Inquiry – Just Block Licence to Drill Say Leading Organisations

Online Resources.

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung has just published the following: The 7 reasons why nuclear energy is not the answer to solve climate change.

Forthcoming Events

– 64th Anniversary of the Windscale fire – October 10th.

– Fukushima Day – March 11th.

– The DRS Open Day – In July if it takes place next year.

What Next ?

After what will be almost a year and a half of curtailed activities due to the pandemic we will need to kick start our work again.

In particular we will need to have a gathering of activists within the North West in order to work out how we focus our wok within the coming year.

In the meanwhile we will aim to hold a couple of small symbolic protests at both Capenhurst and Springfields.

Countering Capenhurst – March 2021

Continuing to Campaign

While we are still in lockdown it remains difficult to keep active campaigning going, which is why we still looking at some of those aspects of the nukiller industry which normally get very little attention.

DRS Updates

Flask Movements.

We are still looking for individuals to help keep us informed about the movements of the various DRS nukiller waste flasks. So if do see any please let us know.

In the meanwhile here are a couple of reports of late.

On December 7th two flasks were spotted at Dungeness,

while on December 9th a flask or flasks were sent from Huntington to Sellafield.

Cumbrian Community Rail

Community Rail Cumbria (CRC) comprises the three accredited Community Rail lines in Cumbria which includes the Cumbrian Coast Line. That is the rail line which runs from Carlisle to Barrow, and includes Sellafield.

This is how the station is described upon their website: –

‘ Sellafield station was opened in 1850 to serve a remote area of farms. The station is now a busy freight location, as much of the nuclear waste arising from the UK’s decommissioning programme is carried by train here from the docks in Barrow-in-Furness or from rail-connected nuclear power stations elsewhere in the UK. The station marks the end of the single line section from Whitehaven, which is operated using the electric key token system.’

The Aims pf the CRC include:-

– To undertake a pro-active approach to those sections of the Cumbrian community disadvantaged by health, isolation or social deprivation.


– To seek effective passenger and freight rail service improvements;

The DRS Connection

During November Eddie Pollock became the new CRC Chairman.

This is how he is described upon the website _

‘As a long-standing member of the Partnership, Eddie has represented Direct Rail Services who have been an influential and supportive partner for many years

Recently, his role within Direct Rail Services has evolved from Projects Planner to Business Development Manager.’

Working together

In February we read the following news in the Rail Advent:

‘Direct Rail Services has announced that has joined up with NDA Transport Subsidiaries to launch Nuclear Transport Solutions, which will start in April 2021.’

‘ The freight operator is owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, with Nuclear Transport Solutions expected to become the “centre of excellence” that will bring together commercial, legal and operational expertise under one roof.’

NDA Update

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority [ NDA ] has just publish their

Draft Business Plan1 April 2021 to 31 March 2024

This includes a section upon both: –

Springfields Fuels Limited and Urenco Nuclear Stewardship Limited.

Contact Update.

You may of noticed that we have disabled the Comments feature on this webpage. This has been done due the high volume of spam we were receiving.

While due to lockdown it is taking longer for any mail to get to us.

So if you have any need to contact us then please use our email address.


Forthcoming Events

– Fukushima Day – March 11th.

– The DRS Open Day – In July if it takes place this year.

– 64th Anniversary of the Windscale fire – October 10th.

Countering Capenhurst – Late November / Early December 2020

DRS Updates

DRS are once again transporting Radioactive waste from the decommissioned Magnox reactor at Berkeley.

They are being taken via the Sharpness, Gloucestershire, rail line. That’s the short line which goes goes from Sharpness to Cam & Dursley, at which junction it joins the main line which goes north via Gloucester and Worcester.

The first of these DRS trains took a load in August. There will be similar train loads taking place every month.

Recent DRS Radioactive Waste Flask Movements

The movement of nukiller waste to Sellafield by DRS continues.

These are just some of the recent movements of these highly radioactive used fuel rods.

Flask movements were observed on August 11th, September 11th, and 12th. There were also waste flasks going to and from Torness on September 16th & 23th, and then again on October 15th. While

other waste flasks went to & from Dungeness on October 5th 6th and 7th.

Campaigning in Australia.

Don’t Nuke The Climate – Australia,

This is a a coalition of environment groups that actively track and respond to nuclear threats in Australia.

It has a lot of very useful information and maps on its website which include both Nukiller and Uranium Sites.

Spycops Targeted Anti Nukiller Activists

If it was not for the many years of spycop activities, many social justice and ecological campaigns would not still be necessary.

The following comes from the current Spycops Public Inquiry.



‘ Infiltration necessarily had to be achieved before and not during or after times of high intensity and activity which could be quickly triggered by an event or the coalescence of disparate groups around a cause célèbre or topical issue with wider support, e.g. Vietnam, apartheid, internment, industrial action, ban the bomb, nuclear power, the transport of nuclear waste by train or the Falklands War.’

In other words – This confirms that Pacifists and Anti nukiller power activists were being subjected to spycop activities.

This full statement can be read at: –

We fully expect there to be many more similar revelations made during the duration of the inquiry.

The next phase of the spycops public inquiry hearings will be held some time around the start of April 2021.

Not Seen

One of the side effects of the current crisis we are all in, is that the [ Office for Nuclear Regulation ] are not performing their regular on site inspections of various nukiller plants.

This is what it says on the ONR Site Report for Urenco Capenhurst for the period April, May, and June: –

‘ No on-site Inspections due to Covid-19.’

While the site inspection for the Heysham Reactor is reported thus: –

Heysham 1•4 August (Site inspection)•14 –17 September (Site and remote inspection)Heysham 2•9 June(Physical Inspection)•18 June(Remote Inspection)•23 June(Remote Inspection)

In contrast – This what took place at Torness: –

‘The duration of the station visits has been kept to a minimum and focused on plant walk downs and other activities which ONR are unable to conduct remotely.’

In the site inspection report for Hinkley,

[ Yes Hinkley Not Capenhurst ], we found the following: –

‘ ONR has granted an extension to an Enforcement Notice served on Urenco UK Ltd, recognising the good progress made so far. The notice was issued in late December 2019, following a fire safety inspection at the Capenhurst Works in Cheshire, which revealed shortfalls in the fire alarm and detection systems at one of the site’s facilities. Urenco UK Ltd must comply with the requirements of the extended notice by 30 September 2020.’

In conclusion.

We have found many good reasons to keep inspecting the ONR nukiller plants inspection reports – on a very regular basis.

Forthcoming Events

Given the current restrictions on public transport, it is not possible to do much forward planning, or undertake any of our regular events.

However there are a few dates which we wish to highlight over the coming year.

– Human Rights Day – December 10th.

– Fukushima Day – March 11th.

– The DRS Open Day – In July if it takes place at all.

– 64th Anniversary of the Windscale fire – October 10th.