Countering Capenhurst – September / October 2024

While so many people are just concentratng upon what is happening within one area of the world, we comtinue to focus upon the nukiller issue which has global consequences.

DRS Flask Movements

On April 17th two flasks and on May Day [ May 1st ] two more from windscale [ Sellafield ] to Crewe. We do not know their final destinations.

While on May 20th a single flask was moved from Sellafield to Crewe, and exactly the same happened on july 30th.

There were also flasks moved from Windscale [ Sellafield ] to Crewe on June 1st & July 2nd, with flasks were taken in the opposite on June 20th.

The Last DRS Open Day at Carlisle ?

On July 6th we went and handed out leaflets at the DRS open day at Carlisle.

What was very obvious to us is that far fewer people attended the event than in previous years. This was confirmed to us having viewed the 4 your tube videos of the event. In past years there was always a lot more your tube videos to view.

Having previously being an annual event, it is now a biannual event, with the next one being scheduled to take place at Crewe.

Given the above we wonder if all future events will only be held at Crewe.


Americium-241 has been found in the harbour at Whitehaven.

It is is produced when plutonium absorbs neutrons in nukiller reactors and nukiller weapons tests.

URENCO News Summary

Capenhurst Toxic Warning.

‘ Toxic acid leak at nuclear site ‘put workers at risk’

A watchdog said no workers were harmed but it had the potential to cause more serious consequences

Companies on a nuclear site were served improvement notices following an acid leak and a risk assessment shortfall. Watchdog, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), told a tenant and contractor on the Urenco UK site they must improve the safety of its operations.’

IAEA Centre of Excellence(sic) launched at Capenhurst

‘ An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Centre of Excellence for Safeguards and Non-Proliferation has been launched at uranium enrichment services provider Urenco’s Capenhurst site in the UK. The centre will be fully operational in 2025.’

That is not how we would ever describe just what goes on at any URENCO site.

New Urenco Office

Urenco has signed a 10-year lease to occupy 25,186 sq ft in Paddington, W2.

Hex Costs

Nuclear fuel costs soar as conversion and enrichment bottleneck strains supply

‘ Russia controls 22% of global uranium conversion capacity and 44% of enrichment capacity.’

Rolls Royce

Rolls-Royce to sell stake in mini-nukes arm

Engineering giant seeks fresh funds as backers’ £280m and government’s £210m due to run out.


With so few activists and so many issues to currently deal with we recommend that everyone subscribes to the Radiation Free Lakeland website.

Coming events

October 10th

To mark the anniversary of the 1957 Windscale [ Sellafield ] fire in Cumbria, the Close Capenhurst Campaign and Radiation Free Lakeland will soon be announcing who has won the fourth George Monbiot Award.