Issues Briefing – Hartlepool

Hartlepool – The Forgotten Reactor

The EDF Owned AGR reactor was commissioned in 1983.

It is currently expected to close some time during 2024.

Activists have focused very little attention upon the Hartlepool reactor, as there are No anti-nukiller campaigns within the area.

There is however a lot of information about the plant to be found upon the No2Nuclear website.

Waste From the Plant

Nukiller waste transported by DRS from the plant is taken through Hartlepool, Sunderland, Park Lane Junction Gateshead, Haydon Bridge, Wigton, Maryport, Workington, Whitehaven, & St Bees, to Sellafield.

Past plans & Current Status Reports.

During 2010 Hartlepool was mooted as a possible site for a new reactor to be built by 2025, but this idea was dropped.

The ONR [ Office of Nuclear Regulation ] reports about the plant are to be found here.

While this is how EDF report the reactor status.

Cracks in the Core

During 2019 there were raised concerns about the condition of the plant, which may be read about on the Radiation Free Lakeland website.

Cracked Regulators Allow Hundreds of Cracks in Graphite Cores of Reactors across the UK.

Thus the Harlepool, and All the AGR reactors, need to be closed down immediately as a matter of public safety.