Counting The Cost – The New Capenhurst Tailings Plant.

The new tailings plant at Capenhurst raises more concerns.

Time and Materials.

The new Capenhurst tailing plant took an extra four years to complete than URENCO originally intended it to be. That is two years longer than the previous two years delay on the planned opening of the plant.

The plant is built of 55,000 cubic meters of concrete and 7,300 tonnes of steel.

At the official opening of the plant it was stated how that’s enough concrete to fill twenty Olympic sized swimming pools.

What was not stated is how the use of so much concrete impacts upon climate change.

In to the future.

URENCO have previously stated that the new tailing plant will be in operation until 2052.

Yet given the nukiller industries previous record of dragging work on, together with the four years delay in building the plant, we regard the 2052 date as no more than a guestimation.

From Germany and the Netherlands.

The Capenhurst plant will be processing Depleted Uranium Hex from the site, together with that from the URENCO plants in German and the Netherlands.

Given that we don’t know how much depleted hex is stored at Capenhurst, never mind the two other plants, we have no idea just what quantity of Hex will be processed. That says nothing about any more depleted depleted uranium Hex which might be created in the years to come.

By Sea

URENCO plan to ship over the depleted Uranium Hex from their plants in Germany and the Netherlands, and then ship back the resulting the Uranium Oxide to those plants.

Given that there is a prohibition on moving Hex through the Channel and other tunnels, all of this hex will need to be transported by road and sea.

There is no rail connection at the Capenhurst plant.

Thus we are looking to face the danger of Hex being moved that way for the next 35 years.