Countering Capenhurst – Winter 2025

This is having to be a short issue of Countering Capenhurst as we have had to deal with a lot of other priority issues over the last few months.

DRS Flask Movements

On December 21st four flasks were taken from from Sellafield to Crewe.

News Summary


Expansion of Urenco’s Dutch enrichment plant under way.

Coming events

Capenhurst on Fukushima Day.

March 11th 14.00 onwards.

This event is to show our opposition to the continual use and development of the plant.


March 22nd

CND national demonstration about the nukiller submarines being built at the shipyard.

Leafleting from noon Onwards in the town centre, with a rally on the High Level Bridge over the Devonshire Dock Bridge.

Please note that there are No Vegan or Vegetarian food outlets in the town – so please remember to bring your own food.

Countering capenhurst – New year 2025

This is very much an update edition of Countering Capenhurst as we are very overstretched with having to deal with a number of other important issues at present.

That said we could do with a few more activists to help out with the work – Especially to join us leafleting the various stations with the DRS nukiller waste trains go through. If you can help out that way then do email us.

DRS Flask Movements

On August 21st two flasks were taken from Sellafield to crewe, with one more on the same route upon the 22nd.

On saturday September 28th an single flask was observed going north from Sellafield towards Carlisle.

On October 8th two flasks from Hinkley left Bridgewater going north towards Crewe.

While on October 23rd four flasks were taken from Crewe to Sellafield.

Then on november 16th two flasks were taken from Sellafield to Crewe.

These are just a few of the nukiller waste train movemens which are regularly conducted by DRS.

News Summary

Civil Nukiller Police update.

Labour party politician Ed Miliband orders armed police to guard gas terminals.

Urenco to continue supplying enriched uranium to Czech nuclear plants

Russia reduces uranium exports to the US: What’s next?

The 2024 George Monbiot Award Nukiller Greenwash award.

Sellafield’s “Social Impact Multiplied” Wins Greenwash Award for “The Edge” Water Sports Centre in Contaminated Harbour.

News from the Capenhurst Plant

Chester MP visits site of £196m nuclear power investment

‘ THE MP for Chester South and Eddisbury has visited Urenco UK’s nuclear facility at Capenhurst following the announcement in May that £196m would be spent on a new uranium enrichment facility.

Approval given for the demolition of three buildings at Capenhurst.

Coming events

Capenhurst on Fukushima Day.

March 11th

Details to be confirmed in the new year.


March 22nd

CND national demonstration

Work For Peace.

[ Please note that there are No Vegan or Vegetarian food outlets in the town ]

Countering Capenhurst – September / October 2024

While so many people are just concentratng upon what is happening within one area of the world, we comtinue to focus upon the nukiller issue which has global consequences.

DRS Flask Movements

On April 17th two flasks and on May Day [ May 1st ] two more from windscale [ Sellafield ] to Crewe. We do not know their final destinations.

While on May 20th a single flask was moved from Sellafield to Crewe, and exactly the same happened on july 30th.

There were also flasks moved from Windscale [ Sellafield ] to Crewe on June 1st & July 2nd, with flasks were taken in the opposite on June 20th.

The Last DRS Open Day at Carlisle ?

On July 6th we went and handed out leaflets at the DRS open day at Carlisle.

What was very obvious to us is that far fewer people attended the event than in previous years. This was confirmed to us having viewed the 4 your tube videos of the event. In past years there was always a lot more your tube videos to view.

Having previously being an annual event, it is now a biannual event, with the next one being scheduled to take place at Crewe.

Given the above we wonder if all future events will only be held at Crewe.


Americium-241 has been found in the harbour at Whitehaven.

It is is produced when plutonium absorbs neutrons in nukiller reactors and nukiller weapons tests.

URENCO News Summary

Capenhurst Toxic Warning.

‘ Toxic acid leak at nuclear site ‘put workers at risk’

A watchdog said no workers were harmed but it had the potential to cause more serious consequences

Companies on a nuclear site were served improvement notices following an acid leak and a risk assessment shortfall. Watchdog, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), told a tenant and contractor on the Urenco UK site they must improve the safety of its operations.’

IAEA Centre of Excellence(sic) launched at Capenhurst

‘ An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Centre of Excellence for Safeguards and Non-Proliferation has been launched at uranium enrichment services provider Urenco’s Capenhurst site in the UK. The centre will be fully operational in 2025.’

That is not how we would ever describe just what goes on at any URENCO site.

New Urenco Office

Urenco has signed a 10-year lease to occupy 25,186 sq ft in Paddington, W2.

Hex Costs

Nuclear fuel costs soar as conversion and enrichment bottleneck strains supply

‘ Russia controls 22% of global uranium conversion capacity and 44% of enrichment capacity.’

Rolls Royce

Rolls-Royce to sell stake in mini-nukes arm

Engineering giant seeks fresh funds as backers’ £280m and government’s £210m due to run out.


With so few activists and so many issues to currently deal with we recommend that everyone subscribes to the Radiation Free Lakeland website.

Coming events

October 10th

To mark the anniversary of the 1957 Windscale [ Sellafield ] fire in Cumbria, the Close Capenhurst Campaign and Radiation Free Lakeland will soon be announcing who has won the fourth George Monbiot Award.

Countering capenhurst – June 2024


The Febrary 21st to March 5 issue of the Rail magazine has an article about some of the Class 68 train engines which are used by DRS. It includes a photo of a waste flask in transite to Heysham.

Flask Movements

On Febrary 28th a single flask was taken from Crewe to Sellafield Windscale. While on March 3rd three flasks were transported from the plant via Crewe,


Furness Line track was damaged two days before derailment

This derailment was on a part of the route which is used by DRS to move Nukiller waste flasks.—tim-farron/

DRS – From Winfrith to Drigg

In January DRS completed transporting some 1068 drums of low level nukiller waste from the former nukiller reactor at Winfrith in Dorset to Drigg.

This process started during march of 2022.

The open question is just how much more radioactive waste might land up at Drigg ?

DRS Open Day

The next DRS Open Day will be held on saturday July 6th at their Carlisle Kingsmore Depot.

We will be holding another lafleting event outside the event from 10.30 to 15.30.

News and resources updates

British nuclear site Sellafield to be prosecuted for cybersecurity failures.

The IAEA’s nuclear fairy tales are leading nations — and all of us — into climate catastrophe.

Nuclear supplier near Ellesmere Port given improvement order

Congress Approves Ban on Imports of Enriched Uranium From Russia

Capenhurst Strike

Around 500 staff at the Urenco Nuclear site in Capenhurst voted for industrial action after pay talks broke down

Nuclear workers in Cheshire vote to strike


Urenco receives permit for new waste store at Almelo

Coming events

This summer there will be a demonstration at Barrow where the various nukiller submarines are built.


Outside of the annual DRS open day event at Carlisle this coming July.

More information once the exact dates for these events have been announced.

Countering Capenhurst – Winter 2024


The condition of the Whitehaven train tunnel and harbour can only be described as a disaster in the making.

We have now learnt that the speed limit within the Whitehaven train tunnel has dropped from 20 to 10 miles an hour.

While there are still nukiller waste flasks and passenger trains going through it.

Here is some more background informayion on the current situation.

Whitehaven railway tunnel testing to find source of orange water

Fukushima Day

We were planning to mark Fukushima Day outside the Heysham Nukiller plant. That is another reactor which will be subject to rising tides in the next few years.

However, give the current situation we will be marking it at Whitehaven this year.

This will be a CCC and Radiation Free Lakelands event starting at Noon.

More details very soon.


Flask Movements

On November 14th there was another flask taken to Sellafield, while on the 15th one was taken from Sellafield to the Barrow Marine terminal.

Renaming the DRS Engines.

DRS, just like all of the railway companies, delights in giving names to its various train engines.
Such as Promethius, Titan, Astute [ Which is also the name of a class of nukiller submarines which are being built at Barrow ] , Achilles, etc.
In fact they make a feature of having a naming event at each of their open day events.
Yet if they were to be much more honest about what they do then the engines would be renamed again.
Here are some of the names which they might more reasonably become: –
Calder Hall, Windscale, Crockfords Folly, Dante, or Drigg.
You might like to make a few suggestions of your own.

News and resources updates

Cyber-hackers target UK nuclear waste company RWM

Uranium Prices

One of the most important long term reasons why we need to stop nukiller power is just what it will cost us all.

What has been of note for a while is just how the price of uranium has been increasing. Though the clean up cost of mining it is never mentioned by those who promote it.

Uranium surge after Kazakh mine cuts.

‘ In the midst of geopolitical tensions and energy security concerns, the head of Urenco, the largest western supplier of enriched uranium for nuclear plants in the US, asserts that his company stands ready to replace Russian supplies if Washington enacts a ban on imports from Russia. ‘

Flood Danger Warning

Cumbria emergency services on major incident alert as Storm Isha hits.
Operations at the Sellafield nuclear site were suspended as a precautionary measure amid the weather warnings.’

We should expect many more such warnings in the years to come.

Book Reference

Plokhy, Serhii

Atoms and Ashes: From Bikini Atoll to Fukushima

Penguin Book – Paperback – 31 Aug. 2023

ISBN 978-0141997179

This very readable book covers some of worst nukiller disasters which have taken place so far. That includes the windscale fire.

It is an excellent book for all activists to use.

Coming events

This summer there will be a demonstration at Barrow where the various nukiller submarines are built.


Outside of the annual DRS open day event at Carlisle this coming July.

More information once the exact dates for these events have been announced.

Countering Capenhurst – End of Year 2023

News and resources update edition.


Flask Movements

On August 14th and 22nd there were waste flasks moved from Torness. While on september 12th there was a flask movement from Sizewell.

There were also Flasks which were take from Sellafield to Crewe on October 21st and 28th. We do not know just where they were being taken.


Sizewell and our fragile Coast

Photo shows significant erosion in front of the Sizewell C site in November 2023.

This is something which we predicted as likeley to happen within one of our briefings.

Issue Briefings – Barrow & Rising Tides

Short News Items

Bechtel to expand key depleted uranium processing plant in Cheshire

Why Uranium Prices are Soaring.

Urenco to expand capacity at Dutch facility

Uranium enrichment services provider Urenco has announced plans to increase capacity at its plant in Almelo in the Netherlands by 15%

Global scramble for Uranium spells trouble for UK’s nuclear plans

UK nuclear treatment plant to increase access for European market

Urenco and Energoatom sign long term contract

Countering Capenhurst – October 2023

Current work

At present there are a number of issues and projects which we are working upon.

These include noting the anniversary of the Widscale fire which took place on October 10th 1957. On that anniversary we will be announing the 2023 winners of the George Monbiet Nukiller Greenwash award.

While we will soon be printing an update to the Beware nukiller waste trains leaflet. This is the one which is handed out at the various stations they go though. It has been writen in such a way that it can very easily be monified to include your local information.

Current Issues List

While there are a lot of individuals focused upon the continuous disaster at Fukushima, and the situation with regards the nukiller reactors in the Ukraine, we do have to focus our attention upon the following crisis Issues.

They are as follows –

– The treat of New Build, which includes Bradwell, Hinkley, Sizewell, and Wylfa.

– The transport of High level Nukiller waste by DRS though our towns and cities.

– The road transport of Uranium Hex.

– Springfield.

– Capenhurst and Urenco.

– Drigg.

– Windscale / Sellafield.

– The proposed long term nukiller waste dumps in Cumbria and other locations.

– All the Radioactive waste which is and has been discharged into the sea.

– The movement of highly radioactive materials via Barrow Docks.

– Both the mining and processing Uranium.

While we need to keep showing the links between Nukiller Weapons and Nukiller Power.

How nukiller power is a major cause of global warming.


Campaign to stop more Astute Class Nukiller submarines being built at Barrow.

To do all of the above we need many more activists, and many more donations to help us continue with our campaigning work.

Short News Items

‘ Uranium spells out nuclear future’.

Of Particular note is the following: –

‘ — recently, political instability in Niger has also prompted a price increase in uranium. According to Reuters a military coup in Niger saw prices rise even though mining operations have continued in what is a top 10 uranium producer.’


‘ Uranium supply giant Kazatomprom also issued its second quarter trading update, noting that average realized price for the first half of 2023 was higher compared to the same period in 2022. ‘

Signal: UK loan to support Ukraine’s nuclear energy

Nuckiller power is Ukraine’s primary source of energy, but Russia’s invasion has created serious problems for the industry.

Ukraine / First Batch Of Domestic Uranium Concentrate Sent To Cameco For Processing

Acquisition bolsters Hydrock’s nuclear division

‘ The Warrington-based firm’s client roster, which includes Urenco, Sellafield, and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, will complement Hydrock’s existing relationships in the sector. ‘

UK offers Ukraine nuclear fuel boost through £192m deal with Urenco


Countering Capenhurst Summer 2023

This issue of Countering Capenhurst follows on from the meeting we had with the DRS management in April, and covers some of the other campaigns which we support.


During June DRS Launched a ‘Major Recruitment Drive’.

Waste Flask Movements

On May 16th three flasks were taken from Windsale / Sellafield to Crewe. Eight days later there were more flasks being moved along this route. Then on May 18th flasks were observed being moved from Torness to the DRS depot at Carlisle.

We have recently learnt that there are on average 8 flask movements to Windscale / Sellafield each week.

So here are just a few of the recent ones which we are aware about taking place.

– On June 3rd June 10, June 24th and July 1st

– To & from Heysham on May 25th , June 1st.

Last Four Flasks Photo

The cover of the August 2023 issue of Today’s Railways UK shows two DRS engines taking the last four flasks being taken from Hunterston to Windscale / Sellafield on November 9th 2021.

Waste Flask Concerns

At 17.50 on June 8th Four flasks were spotted being transported south just outside of Carlisle on the way to Sellafield / Windscale.

These flasks passed a Northern Rail passenger train which was going north at the time.

Upon arriving at Carlisle it was possible to have a word with the Northern Rail driver who confirmed that they are given no special instructions about just what to do should they encounter a DRS derailment, etc.

This confirms exactly what we have always suspected to be the case.

From another source it has be confirmed that eight waste flask trains travel along the West Coast [ Sellafield / Windscale ] each week.

World Ocean Day Event.

On June 8th we were in Whitehaven. This was to hand over following letter and petition opposing any further “investigations” into a deep nukiller dump under the Lake District Coast is to be delivered to the Marine Management Organisation.

Short News Items

£485m to be spent on decommissioning and removing asbestos at Magnox’s Nukiller power plants.

The Australian government will establish a new agency and regulatory body as part of establishing a nukiller powered submarines programme.

Urenco has announced that it is going to increase production at their Eunice, New Mexico plant.

Drones to be used at Windscale / Sellafield Plant

The plan is to use these drones to monitor radiation levels in the site, but the real need is to look at the levels of radiation within the area

James Fisher Nuclear enters administration


Anyone who is interested in campaigning about what goes on along the west Cumbrian coast should examine the historic Godfrey edition ordinance survey maps.

The Ravenglass & Sellafield 1875 map which covers Drigg, Seascale, Sellafield is of particular interest.

While the two 1923 maps of Whitehaven show the many disused mines in the area.

Sixty Six Years.

On Tuesday October 10th it will be exactly 66 years since the Windscale fire.

We will be marking this disaster with an event on the day at which we announce the winner of the 2023 George Monbiot Nukiller Greenwash Award.

Helping Your Knowledge and Helping US to Continue Campaigning.

Please remember that we can give you presentations be it by talks or one-to-one briefing sessions on various aspects of the nukiller power issue.

Please contact us if you wish someone to do so.

While we still need to have some financial help in order to keep going,

We are not a membership organisation and so all out work is financed by donations.

We do not have any paid staff or offices, and so we do not have large overheads to pay for, but there are other other items we do have to pay for.

So just the odd donation will help us to continue campaigning.

Please contact us if you are able to do so.

Countering Capenhurst – May 2023

This issue of Countering Capenhurst follows on from the very first meeting we have ever had with the senior managers of DRS, which is in a part of Nuclear Transport Solutions, and in turn the Nukiller Decommissioning Authority.

Meeting the DRS Management

A historic moment”: first meeting for rail campaigners with nuclear industry

‘ After many years of waiting, Martyn Lowe from the Close Capenhurst campaign group was pleased to finally be able to put his questions directly to senior nuclear rail managers at this first face-to-face meeting held at the Gresty Bridge Rail Depot, on the outskirts of Crewe.’

After the meeting DRS offered to pay our travel expenses which we refused to take. This is so we can both be, and be seen to be, completley independent of them. Thus we will continue to maintain our independent critical stance.

We will now be going through the answers which we received to our various questions, and consider just how we will follow up on our campaign.

Flask Movements

Youtube Video clips.

One aspect of our work is to view various videos of nukiller flask movements. Here are a few from which you can clearly see some of the issues which concern us about what happens at both Bridgewater and Dungeness.

Class 68 Nuclear Train returns to Dungeness 2/9/20

DRS Class 37’s In Bridgwater Yard | Shunting | Flask Train | Wednesday 29th February 2012

Nuclear Flask Train Bridgwater FD Class 68 & 88 Double Header

37259 + 37610 Bridgwater Flask | Arrival & Departure | Wed 22nd Feb 2017

Flask Safety

As many of you might know, DRS transport Castor Nukiller flasks between the Barrow docks and Windscale/Sellafield.

We know something about the various tests that have been made on the standard ones which are transported between Windscale / Sellafield the various Brexitland reactor sites.

What we don’t have is any information about the crash, heat resistance, and fall tests which the Castor flasks have been subjected to.

We need this information in order to do a comparison between the two flask types.

If any of you help us with any information on this, then we would be extremely grateful !

Short News Items

Urenco, Cameco sign supply deals for Bulgaria’s Kozloduy

Following On

German Celebrations and Continuing Our Campaigning

Now that we can celebrate the closure of the last 3 working Nukiller reactors in Germany, it should not be forgotten that the radiative waste they generated is still a major problem which will take many centuries to clean up.

While we still have the ongoing waste issue at Drigg and Windscale / Sellafield and the used fuel rods being transported by DRS to campaign about,

Plus the campaigns to Stop New Build.

So it is a good time to remind activists in Germany that our struggles continue, and we can still use some help from them all.

Open consultations

As a part of our campaigning we do need to work at every level of society, and undertake a wide range of activities. That includes participation on various consultations.

Here are links to two current open open consultations.

Managing radioactive substances and nuclear decommissioning

Public consultation on our proposed decision to change Hinkley Point C’s water discharge activity permit